Bitcoin Union Review – Is it a Scam?

The Bitcoin Union robot is a new software which claims that it will revolutionise the cryptocurrency market with its alleged laser-accurate performance and superior technology.

The rapidly increasing popularity of Bitcoin Union has also attracted rumors questioning the validity of this software.

Hence, we’ve done the digging and conducted a detailed Bitcoin Union review to find out how the software actually works and if the rumors regarding Bitcoin Union scams are true or not.

What exactly is Bitcoin Union?

Bitcoin Union is an automated trading platform designed to make buy or sell decisions for its users. The bot is programmed to observe market conditions, and can allegedly identify the most lucrative investmentsand trade automatically at the most appropriate and beneficial moment on behalf of the account holder. Apart from the various awards that Bitcoin Union has won, the robot recently secured the No. 1 position in the trading software category from the trading US Association.

It claims that just by spending an average of 20 minutes or less daily, the users can make a profit of a minimum of $1100.

Bitcoin Union claims to have truly changed the cryptocurrency game. Earlier, due to the time-consuming nature of trading, it was only limited to investors with years of knowledge about stocks. They would devote hours to analyze the rise and fall of prices only to make a wrong decision and suffer huge losses. But with Bitcoin Union, the stress of human errors and unpredictable risks is a thing of the past as the bot can allegedly generate winning trades without you having to make any effort.

The platform has a complex algorithm, however, it’s easy to navigate and has an intuitive touch.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.

How does Bitcoin Union work?

This section of our Bitcoin Union review takes a hard look at how the bot functions, so if you have questions like is Bitcoin Union legit or if Bitcoin Union a scam popping up in your mind, read on.

Essentially, if you’re a wise investor, you want to buy currency when the price is low and sell it when the price has risen again. The difference is your profit. This requires years of experience and knowledge about the market.

Luckily, for new and unwise investors, Bitcoin Union robot offers an auto-trading feature whereby the bot studies the market trends and prices and trades on your behalf. The Bitcoin Union software does all the work for you and all you have to do is create an account on the Bitcoin Union website, and make a small deposit of a minimum of 250$. That’s it.

According to the app, Bitcoin Union has win-rates that are much better than many other robots like Bitcoin Profit and Bitcoin Code.
The software claims to be the only automated platform in the world that performs at the 99.4% level of accuracy thereby helping its users to double, triple and quadruple their investment. The “time-leap’ feature that is ahead of the markets by 0.01 seconds allegedly makes the trades even more profitable.

Is Bitcoin Union Legit?

Whenever a new platform like this arises, questions about its legitimacy are bound to arise. No wonder, several articles about a “Bitcoin Union scam” are floating around.

The Bitcoin Union website claims to have an accuracy of 99.4% and to allow its members to make unbelievable profits. According to various Bitcoin Union reviews and testimonials available online, users have claimed to make a minimum of 1100$ daily with the app.

However, this amount seems to be slightly exaggerated. Remember that when it comes to trading, we cannot guarantee profits.

Experience is also a factor –  experienced crypto players can get a better result by tweaking the trading settings on the software.

The website, however appears to be legit and this robot does partner with regulated brokers. Therefore, it seems that the site is legit, but new users are advised to keep their investments to a minimum of 250$ and make regular withdrawals to avoid loss of capital.

To make up your mind about this software, you can simply create an account on the website and decide for yourself.

How to create a Bitcoin Union account, step by step

Now that you know Bitcoin Union does exist and is active, we’re sure you want to know how exactly you can become a member and start trading. Our Bitcoin Union review found that the account creation process is super easy.

Step 1: Registration

Firstly, click here to go the Bitcoin Union website and set up a free account. The registration form only requires some basic details from you including your name, email, and phone number. The Bitcoin Union robot allows you to create a unique password to secure your account. The entire registration process will take less than 3 minutes to complete.

Step 2: Deposit

Like any business, you need a small investment to get started. The site requires a deposit of 250$ or more before you start trading and make insane profits.  Once your registration is done, you’ll be redirected to the deposit page. Make the payment using a Visa or MasterCard or a wire transfer without worrying about any kind of Bitcoin Union scam as the website is SSL secured. Those wondering if Bitcoin Union is legit or not will be pleased to know that once the deposit is made, it will take less than 5 minutes for the amount to reflect in your Bitcoin Union account.

Step 3: Live trading

This is where things get real – start trading and make some serious cash! You can choose the manual trading mode if you wish to trade on your own or choose auto-trading.

Before you turn on the auto-trade mode, make sure to fine-tune your trading settings as per your convenience. Set your risk level to low, medium or high, and enter your investment limits. That’s it. You’re good to go. The Bitcoin Union robots will start trading.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.

Let’s compare Bitcoin Union with other robots:


Bitcoin Union Other robots
It allegedly win trades with 99.4% accuracy Win-rates are much lower
No hidden fees Many platforms charge broker fees or commissions
Members claimed to have earned their first million within just 61 days Making a million seems like a far-fetched dream
Withdrawals are hassle-free and very quick Some websites take longer to process withdrawals


Some tips when using Bitcoin Union

Keep your investment low

Although the platform is legit, don’t go overboard with the working capital. As with any trading platform, Bitcoin Union also comes with its set of unique risks. No robot is 100% accurate and there are always chances of miscalculated trades. Therefore keep the deposit low (250$); you can gradually increase the investments once you are no longer a beginner and are sure that Bitcoin Union is a legit website.

Take help from information available online

The customer support of Bitcoin Union is very good and the team is at your disposal 24*7. But it’s still recommended to learn from the experts on various forums, websites, YouTube tutorials and various other platforms in order to clear your doubts.

Make regular withdrawals

Make sure to place a withdrawal request as soon as you make a profit as the crypto world has its share of highs and lows and it’s easy to lose the earnings of the whole month in just 1 hour.

Advantages of Bitcoin Union

Designed for beginners

The Bitcoin Union website is easy to navigate. Whether you’re an experienced investor or a rookie, the platform is accessible to everyone. For crypto-veterans, the auto-trading feature is a time saver and for newbies, it performs trades that they could not have done on their own. Besides, the platform is easy to understand and navigate.

High alleged profits

With an alleged win-rate of 99.4%, the Bitcoin Union robot claims it can help its members to generate a daily profit of 1100$ or more. Some users even claimed to have earned their first million within a span of just 61 days. However, bear in mind that these profits cannot be guaranteed.

Easy withdrawals

Withdrawals can be made daily and take only 24 hours or less to process, which is a very short time as compared to other trading platforms. This further confirms that the rumors regarding the Bitcoin Union scam are false.

The Verdict

Let’s end this Bitcoin Union review by safely concluding that the bot is legit and is active. However, it’s better to keep the investment low and make regular withdrawals in order to avoid any losses.


However, remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.


Is there a Bitcoin Union app?

At the time of writing, our review did not find any traces of any Bitcoin Union app. However, you can access the website on your smartphone' browser.

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Union?

The earnings are completely variable. The bot claims that the more you invest, the more you earn. Many users have reported earning more than 1100$ in a day. The bot claims that you can generate profits even with a little investment. However, we cannot guarantee profits.

How much does it cost to use Bitcoin Union?

The platform is free to use. You only need to pay a deposit of 250$ in order to start trading.