Is Bitcoin Motion Genuine and Reliable? A Comprehensive Expert Review

Bitcoin Motion is a viral platform reportedly helping users make money in the current bitcoin dip. The platform reportedly uses the short-selling technique, among other strategies, to make money from crypto volatility.

Users allegedly earn thousands of pounds daily in volatility peaks. A minimum investment of USD250 is required to run this automated trading platform. This amount can reportedly grow into fortunes when the daily returns are compounded.

Many have emailed us to review Bitcoin Motion. We will find out if it’s legit or a scam and if it’s profitable.

A Summary of Bitcoin Motion Review

We have summarized this review below for the sake of those who may not have the time to read the whole review.

However, we insist that you read to the end if you are new to this trading platform. You will find all the information to help you make an informed choice in this review.

Robot type Fully automated BTC trading system
Is it legit? Yes
Potential profitability rate Up to 400% during volatility peaks
Trading platforms Web and mobile
Ease of use Easy to use for complete beginners
Registration fees None
Withdrawal fees Up to 10 free withdrawals in a month
Hidden fees None
Customer support services 24/7 via mobile, landline, live chat, and email
Risk level Moderate

Bitcoin Motion’s risk level is moderate compared to other crypto robots. However, the risk is high when compared to traditional asset trading. The insane volatility witnessed in the crypto industry makes it highly risky.

What is Bitcoin Motion?

Many of those who have requested us to review Bitcoin Motion are ordinary people looking for online investment opportunities.

It’s therefore important that we explain this auto-trading platform in the most basic terms. Bitcoin Motion is a trading platform equipped with AI algorithms in the background. These AI algorithms conduct all the technical trading functions on behalf of the user.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables computer programs to conduct complex tasks at high accuracy. AI-driven computer programs can analyze financial data to recommend investments at high accuracy.

They can also study price patterns in fast-paced markets and deliver highly accurate trading signals. Bitcoin Motion analyzes both the price patterns and breaking news. It uses the AI subset of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to glean tradable insights from the news.

We won’t go into the nitty-gritty since you don’t need this technical information to trade with this robot successfully.

The Proof that Bitcoin Motion is not a scam

We report that Bitcoin Motion is legit and could be amazingly profitable. Our conclusion is backed by facts from an unbiased and detailed analysis of the available information.

This trading robot has been in the market long enough to attract many expert reviews. The platform seems to have gained popularity right from the start. We have read the top 5 experts’ Bitcoin Motion reviews, which are all positive.

All the expert reviewers conclude that Bitcoin Motion is genuine and profitable. Also, most conclude that this platform provides the easiest way to invest in crypto. As explained earlier, this platform’s algorithms do all the heavy lifting for the user.

This includes studying price trends and news and generating tradable insights from them. Non-technical functions such as withdrawals can also be automated.

Bitcoin Motion is not only popular with experts. There are many reviews from individual consumers, and the general feedback is great. Many of the individual reviewers are verified. A study of the consumer reviews confirms that at least 90% of those who try the platform earn profits.

This robot further proves its genuineness by providing a transparent trading platform. We can confirm that it’s among the few automated trading bots that run on the blockchain. Transactions recorded on a blockchain system are easily traceable and verifiable. Moreover, they cannot be altered.

We can confirm that the Bitcoin Motion customer support team is easily reachable and available 24/7. Scam trading systems do not offer traceable and easily reachable customer support services.

Is Bitcoin Motion Legit? The Findings!

We didn’t find any red flags to make us doubt that this trading platform is genuine. The table below presents a summary of the points discussed above.

Transparency High-level transparency through blockchain. All the important information is published on their site.
Reputation Many great reviews from experts as well as verified users.
Safety Website secured through the impenetrable 256 RSA encryption.
Customer support Available on phone, live chat, email, and callbacks. You can contact them any time, 24/7.
Partnerships Reports partnerships with reliable financial brokers. These financial brokers connect Bitcoin Motion to quality crypto liquidity pools.
Expert ranking Reviewed by leading crypto experts and rated top in the coveted list of the best bitcoin robots.
Social Media presence and ratings Great presence on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram. Amazing feedback from the social media followers.

Bitcoin Motion Features

This auto-trading platform’s amazing features make it stand out from competitors. Many experts claim that this platform introduces new features now and then to remain on top of its game.

This is vital given how dynamic the crypto markets are. We have discussed the top 5 Bitcoin Motion features below.

Superior Performance

Bitcoin Motion’s popularity is influenced by its amazing return rates. This robot reportedly delivers a windfall of profits in high volatility periods.

It has in the past delivered a daily income of up to 400% in volatility peaks. Some users have reported mouthwatering profits from the first day of trading. Bitcoin Motion could make a fortune out of a $250 deposit if the great reviews are anything to go by.

Reinvesting the daily profits is reportedly the key to earning these fortunes. The potential associated with this bot makes it worth an investment. However, extra precautions should always be taken to avoid the devastation that comes with unexpected losses. Investing small and adopting a reinvestment plan is the best growth strategy.

Beginner-friendly trading platform

We have gone through user feedback and conducted tests on Bitcoin motion to determine if it’s as easy to use as alleged.

The expert feedback confirms that this platform is developed for the complete beginner. From the reviews, it’s clear that most of this trading platform’s success stories didn’t have prior trading experience.

Bitcoin Motion is a bot that does the trading research and order execution automatically. Our tests on its demo confirm that it’s 100% automated. Moreover, its UI is easy to navigate through.

Supports web and mobile trading

Many have asked us whether they can use Bitcoin Motion on their smartphones. Our investigation confirms that this platform is compatible with all smartphones.

The Bitcoin Motion app is hybrid and therefore doesn’t have OS requirements. Hybrid apps are a version of the web-trader encased in a native app shell. This robot is yet to introduce a native app. Some reviews claim it’s in the final stages of launching a native app.

You can use the Bitcoin Motion web trader on any browser. The web trader is also top quality. This robot doesn’t have a desktop app version.

Powerful News Trading System

The news trading feature is the key driver of this trading bot’s profitability. As stated earlier, the news trading technique is quite important in crypto trading.

This is because of the impact of breaking news on crypto volatility. News is the number one driver of volatility in this industry. Bitcoin Motion has perfected news trading through its NLP-driven algorithm.

This algorithm reads and derives insights from human language at high accuracy. The algorithm can study millions of web pages instantly to identify this news.

Powerful Price Trend Study System

The Bitcoin Motion Price Trend study algorithm is globally recognized for accurate price trend analysis. This algorithm connects to price data feedback and analyses historical information to predict future price patterns.

The algorithm is reportedly insanely accurate. At least 80% of the trades generated through this technique are reportedly accurate.

The Pros and Cons of Trading with Bitcoin Motion

Proven performance track record High trading risk
Affordable for most Not available in some countries
Easy to use for all  
Safe trading environment  
Great reputation  
Easily reachable and knowledgeable customer support  
Seamless withdrawals  
Transparent trading environment  
Safe trading environment  

Bitcoin Motion Trading Tips

We have gone through thousands of user reviews and tens of expert reviews to determine the best trading practices.

Some experts allege that the practices discussed below improve the trading outcome by more than 100%. We cannot ascertain if this is true since we didn’t conduct live tests on the platform.

However, we are confident that the tips are accurate, given the amazing feedback from users. Many users allege an increase in the daily return rate after testing the platform.

Choose a trading time zone

Select either the New York or London time zone and run Bitcoin Motion from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The time zone is quite important since crypto volatility varies with time zones.

High volatility is witnessed in the New York and London time zones due to heavy crypto derivatives trading. The derivatives are traded in the NYSE and LSE exchanges. Running the bot during either of the two time zones improves profitability by more than 50%.

Use the compounding tools as instructed

The Bitcoin Motion compounding tool will help you predetermine the profits to reinvest.

You should reinvest at least 60% of the daily profits to get the best out of this trading platform. Many allege starting small and reinvesting most of the daily profits to build fortunes within a very short time.

You could also earn more by investing more money. However, experts strongly recommend starting small, given the risks involved in crypto trading.

End trading at the end of the 8-hour session

The best results with Bitcoin Motion are generated between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM in either of the recommended time zones.

You should stick to your time zone and ensure that you end trading at 4:00 PM. Running Bitcoin Motion past the 8-hour trading session could attract rollover fees. These fees are charged by the underlying financial broker on positions left open past the session.

You could also incur rollover fees for running this bot during weekends or public holidays. Trading should only happen when the markets in London or New York are open.

Follow the market news

Bitcoin Motion provides a news feed and an events calendar to help you stay up to date on the latest market news.

Following the market, news helps you identify volatility events and capitalize on them. Bitcoin Motion places bets on crypto price swings. High crypto price swings dramatically increase the chances of profitability.

Ensure that Bitcoin Motion is live in all market events and news. This bot uses powerful news-trading algorithms to capitalize on the market events.

Is Bitcoin Motion the right choice? Final Word!

Bitcoin Motion is undoubtedly the right choice for anyone interested in crypto trading in 2022. This BTC trading system has earned amazing reviews on the internet.

The testimonials from verified traders show that it’s super profitable. Bitcoin Motion can reportedly generate hundreds of dollars in daily profits from an investment of USD250. Some users claim using its reinvestment tool generates crazy profits daily.

The testimonials are echoed by tens of experts in leading and highly authoritative publications. Only a legit and highly performing trading system gets reviewed in these publications. The clients’ feedback also indicates that this bot is easy to use.

No trading experience is needed to trade with this bitcoin robot. We also find this auto-trading system affordable since you can get started with as little as USD250. This small investment could grow tremendously. You must adjust the settings accordingly and follow the trading tips to get the most out of this bot.

This auto-trading system is the right bet for traders with high-risk appetites. Evaluate your risk preferences carefully before investing. Visit the Bitcoin Motion website through the link below.


Is Bitcoin Motion a genuine trading platform?

We have unearthed substantial data to confirm that this auto-trading bot is genuine. Bitcoin Motion trades in a highly transparent blockchain-powered ecosystem. All transactions in this ecosystem are entered into an immutable public ledger.

Can I make money with Bitcoin Motion?

If the amazing testimonials on the internet are anything to go by, then the chances of making handsome profits with Bitcoin Motion are huge. It seems that many of this trading system’s users are profitable.

How do I contact Bitcoin Motion?

This trading bot’s contact information is published at the footer of its website. Also, a live chat form will pop up on finishing the registration on their site. You can use the live chat feature or make a call for urgent communications.

Is the Bitcoin Motion login page safe?

Penetration testing on the Bitcoin Motion site and servers reveal that they are properly encrypted. This means that your data is secure. Proper data encryption is important since most attacks begin with stolen personal information.

How long does it take to withdraw money from Bitcoin Motion?

It takes a few minutes to fill out and submit the withdrawal request form. The request could take up to 12 working hours to be processed. This is great since most of this trading bot’s competitors take up to 48 hours.